Featured Products
The New Standard In Natural Family Skin Care.
CJ's BUTTer® that has been proclaimed the "Miracle in a Tub" by many. CJ's Shea Butter Balm provides deep healing moisturizing relief. Developed as a cloth diaper safe diapering balm it has since been found to remedy over 30 ailments including: Eczema, Dry, Cracked Feet, Alligator Elbows, Psoriasis, Bug Bites, Incontinence Protection, Rosacea, Cold Sores, Hemorrhoids, Dry Skin, Hair Conditioning
Treatment, Post-Surgical Care, Chapped Skin, Sunburn Pain/Peeling, Itchy Pregnant Tummies, Mechanic's Hands, Allergy, Rash, Severe Diaper Rash, Hang Nails, Itchiness, Cradle Cap, Cuticles, Wind Burn (prevention & soothing), Stretch Marks, Wrinkles, Split Ends, Postpartum Soreness, Ethnic Hair, Lacerations, Growing Pains, Scars, Abrasions, Crawler's Knees, And MORE!!!